Drew and Jan attended the botanical drawing workshop presented by the Beaty herbarium at the Belkin art gallery.
The Samuels Lab gathered at lunch for cinnamon buns and castella cake for Jessica and Drew's Birthday! 🎂
The Samuels Lab gathered at Browns Crafthouse to say goodbye to Dr. Emmanuel Arkorful, a visiting scientist from NAIST, Japan who has been with us for six weeks. Our lab alumnus Dr. Yoshi Watanabe also joined us! Emmanuel, we will miss you and we wish you all the best!
After 1.5 years of COVID-19 physical distancing, Jan, Mendel, Kenzie, and Tommy were seen carving pumpkins at the BGSA Halloween Party.
The Samuels Lab gathered at Spanish Banks to celebrate Natalie's successful MSc defence.
The Samuels lab, alumni and guests celebrated the Holidays with a potluck dinner.
Lacey, Natalie, Sam, Lan, Miranda, Yoshi, and Mendel pulling faces at the top of Grouse Mountain for dinner at the Pan-American Plant Membrane Biology Workshop.

Oct 2017
Another winning Samuels lab entry in the annual BGSA Pumpkin Carving Competition. We once again took home to coveted Cucurbita Carver's Cup with our entry "A Bouquet of Gourds", assembled from a collection of squashes and pumpkins.

Aug 2017
Yoshi, Sanya, Miranda and Jan viewing the 86% Solar Eclipse on UBC's main
Aug 2017

Mendel, Miranda and undergrad Jan enjoying the goats at the pop-up petting zoo on UBC's main
Jun 2017
Yoshi, Shumin and Mendel skipping seashells in the ocean at Jericho Beach during a potluck lab picnic saying goodbye to visiting scientist Richard Sibout, after two years in the lab.
Jan 2017
Once again the Samuels Lab put together a team for the annual Botany Department Bonnspiel. Here's Lacey throwing a stone for our team, The Polar Traffickers.

Dec 2016
A joint Samuels and Wasteneys lab Gingerbread House constructed during the Botany Department Christmas Party. Check the Skittles duck!
Oct 2016
The Samuels Lab wins the coveted Cucurbita Carver's Cup for the 5th time in 6 years in the annual BGSA Pumpkin Carving Competition. Our pumpkins depict the famous Pea Shooter and Zombie from the popular video game Plants vs. Zombies. The piece was titled "Plants vs. Zombie Grad Students: The Search for Brains"

Jan 2016
Our curling team, "The Polar Traffickers" competing in the annual Botany Department Bonspiel. Miranda, Sam, Yoshi and visiting scientist David Bird represented the Samuels Lab this year.
Dec 2015
The Samuels lab contribution to the Gingerbread House Competition at the Botany Department Christmas Party. It depicts a recreation of The Great Molasses Flood at the North Pole.
Oct 2015

The Samuels Lab wins the coveted Cucurbita Carver's Cup for the 4th time in 5 years in the annual BGSA Pumpkin Carving Competition. Our pumpkin(s) were a tribute to the monocot vascular bundle and the Edvard Munch painting "The Scream". See the post here.
Aug 2015
The Samuels Lab (and friends) enjoying the summer sun after a potluck dinner at Jericho Beach, as we say goodbye to visiting graduate student Silvia López González.

May 2015
Lacey sharing the joy of plants with kids at the Salmonberry Days Community Fair in the community of Dunbar in Vancouver.
April 2015
A lunchtime discussion about breakfast food resulted in the organization of an epic Breakfast Battle tournament. After four rounds, the ultimate winner? Waffles!

February 2015

October 2014

July 2014
Yoshi, Shumin, Lan and a bunch of WoWees at the World Forestry Center in Portland, Oregon for the joint 2015 American Society of Plant Biologists/Canadian Society of Plant Biologists meeting.
February 2014

On a rare, snowy Vancouver day, the Samuels Lab heads outside to build an amazing French snowman in front of the Biodiversity Museum. Note the famous whale skeleton in the building in the background!
October 2013
The Samuels Lab winning streak continues! For the third year in a row, our entry in the Botany Department Pumpkin Carving Contents (aka The Cucurbita Cup) won! Lacey took the Cannibal Pumpkin home for Halloween, where she received many compliments.

May 2013
October 2012
Yoshi and Lacey visiting our Japanese collaborators at the NARA Institute of Science and Technology.