I have since begun my PhD co-supervised by Dr. Samuels and Dr. Jon Page from Anandia Labs. My research focuses on the
development of a particular type of tissue called glandular trichomes. Have you
ever crushed or rubbed your hand on the leaves or flowers of peppermint,
tomato, sage, or lavender? That strong aroma is largely due to the accumulation
of oily compounds within the glandular trichomes on the surface of the leaf,
which get broken and release their oils. These trichomes, and the oils they produce,
are involved in plant defense and communication, but nearly all humans
worldwide use these compounds on a daily basis in one form or another. Menthol,
from the trichomes of peppermint, is found in toothpaste and gum, and is a
local anaesthetic in cold medicines. Lavender oil smells lovely as an addition
to perfumes and cosmetics, and has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
One particular compound from the Artemisia family of plants is the most commonly used, and most effective, treatment
for malaria. These compounds have been used for thousands of years, improving
our lives either aesthetically or in traditional medicine, and research into
their biosynthesis continues to develop, as demand for their extracts outweighs
the current sustainable growth of the plants that produce them.
In my graduate studies over the next few
years, I hope to elucidate how the glandular trichomes of Cannabis sativa produce their highly sought after oils, which are
extremely rich in the cannabinoids that have defined the place of this plant in
our culture over the past several millennia. Because Cannabis produces so many of these trichomes on its flowers and
leaves, it provides a fantastic model for studying glandular trichome
development and the biochemical processes that underlie the production of its
multi-purpose oil. Due in part to strict government regulation worldwide over
the past century, botanical and medical research into C. sativa trichomes and their oils has lagged behind. Despite the
lack of government regulation in similar plants, the major processes behind
glandular trichome development is also poorly understood in peppermint,
lavender, or any of the species with similar trichomes. Using Cannabis as a model organism of study, my
findings will provide insight into not just Cannabis,
but all culturally and industrially-relevant species that produce these prized
essential oils.
Livingston, S.J., Rensing, K.H., Page, J.E., Samuels, A.L. (2022). A polarized supercell produces specialized metabolites in cannabis trichomes. Current Biology. [view abstract]
Livingston, S.J., Bae, E.J., Unda, F., Hahn, M.G., Mansfield, S.D., Page, J.E., Samuels, A.L. (2021). Cannabis glandular trichome cell walls undergo remodeling to store specialized metabolites. Plant and Cell Physiology. 62:1944-1962. [view abstract]
Livingston, S.J., Samuels, A.L. (2021). To protect and emit beauty. Nature Chemical Biology. 17:124-125 [view abstract]
Livingston, S.J., Quilichini, T.D., Booth, J.K., Wong, D.C.J, Rensing, K.H., Laflamme‐Yonkman, J., Castellarin, S.D., Bohlmann, J., Page, J.E., Samuels, A.L. (2019). Cannabis glandular trichomes alter morphology and metabolite content during flower maturation. Plant Journal. 101:37-56 [view abstract]